Academic Articles
2024. “Willy Haas in Bombay,” BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, 15 (1): 59-67. Co-authored with Xan Holt, translator.
2023. “Media wars: Remaking the logics of propaganda in India's wartime cine-ecologies,” Modern Asian Studies, 57: 1585-1614.
2022. “Archival Conjugations: A Queer Trace of Love and Loss in Bombay Cinema,” In A Companion to Indian Cinema, Eds. Ranjani Mazumdar& Neepa Majumdar.
2022. “Energy and Exhaustion in a Coal Melodrama: Kaala Patthar (1979),” In Ecocinema Theory and Practice 2, Eds. Stephen Rust, Salma Monani, Sean Cubitt. Open access volume available here.
2022. “A Night of Knowing Nothing: Cinema, Love, and Collective Struggle,” Film Quarterly, 76 (1):11-22.
2022. “The Aesthetic and Material Force of Landscape in Cinema: Mediating Meaning from the Scene of Production,” Representations, Vol. 157, pp.115-141.
2022. Decolonial Feminisms. Special issue of Feminist Media Histories, co-edited with Pavitra Sundar.
2021. The Keywords Issue. Special anniversary issue of BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies.
2020. “Somewhere Between Human, Nonhuman, and Woman: Shanta Apte’s Theory of Exhaustion,” Feminist Media Histories, 6(3): 21-51. July 2020. Nominated for the Katherine Singer Kovacs Essay Award, Society of Cinema and Media Studies.
2019. “A Specter Haunts Bombay: Censored Itineraries of a Lost Communistic Film,” Film History, 31(4): 29-59.
2018. “A Cinematic Imagination: Josef Wirsching and the Bombay Talkies,” in Nandita Jaishankar & Arnav Adhikari (eds.) Projects/Processes, Volume I, Serendipity Arts Foundation.
2016. “Tracking Utopias: Technology, Labor, and Secularism in Bombay Cinema (1930s-1940s),” in Anupama Rao and Arvind Rajagopal (eds.) Media/Utopia: Imagination, History, Technology, Routledge - Critical Interventions in Theory and Practice, pp. 81-102.
2015. “Scandalous Evidence: Looking for the Bombay Film Actress in an Absent Archive (1930s-1940s),” in Christine Gledhill & Julia Knight (eds.) Doing Women’s Film History: Reframing Cinema’s Past and Future, University of Illinois Press, pp.29-41.
2015. “Screenwriting and Feminist Rewriting: The Lost Films of Jaddan Bai (1935-1948),” in Jules Selbo & Jill Nelmes (eds.) Women Screenwriters: An International Guide, Palgrave- MacMillan, pp. 70-81.
2014. “Interview with Dubbing Artiste Surekha,” Wide Screen, 5(1). http://widescreenjournal.org
2014. "Filmi Jagat: Folding a World Into Itself," in Filmi Jagat, New Delhi: Art Heritage & Niyogi Books, pp. 35-64.
2013. “Notes on a Scandal: Writing Women's Film History Against an Absent Archive,” BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, 4(1): 9-30.
2013. “Creating Cinema’s Reading Publics: The Emergence of Film Journalism in Bombay,” in Ravi Sundaram (ed.) No Limits: Media Studies from India. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 165-198
2013. “The Politics of Making Uncanny: Two Recent Experimental Films from India,” in N Van Tomme (ed.) Art Papers, January/February, 33-35.
2013. “Out of Sight: Archiving Hidden Histories of Film Practice,” Art Connect, 7(1): 42-59.
2011. “Letter from an Unknown Woman: The Film Actress in Late Colonial Bombay,” in N Dinkar (ed.) Framing Women: Gender in the Colonial Archive, MARG Special issue, 62(4): 54-65.
2010. “A Material World: Notes on an Interview with Ram Tipnis,” BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies, 1(2): 199-205.
2009. “Good Girls, Bad Girls,” in “Circuits of Cinema” special issue for Seminar, 598, pp. 21-27.
2009. “Writing the Industry,” Book Review, 32 (2): 55-56.
2007. “Rented Space: Peripheral Economies of the Bombay Film Industry,” trans. into Hindi by Amar, in R Kumar (ed.) Media City 03: Network Sanskriti. New Delhi: Sarai-CSDS, pp. 22-25.
2005. “Junior Artistes Association: Tales From the Margins,” trans. into Hindi by Mihir Pandya, in R Kumar (ed.) Media City 02: Ubharta Manzar. New Delhi: Sarai-CSDS, pp. 25-35.